Dr. Divya Balakrishnan,Senior Scientist
Name : Dr. Divya Balakrishnan
Designation : Senior Scientist
Email ID : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : +914024591332
Official phone number: - 04024591332
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=NF-DvCoAAAAJ
Research gate link:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Divya-Balakrishnan-7
ORCID link:- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5010-5631
Educational Qualification: -
2002-2006; BSc Agriculture, ICAR AIEEA (UG), at AC & RI, Madurai, TNAU, OGPA-9.4/10.
2006-2008, MSc Agriculture (Plant breeding and Genetics), ICAR AIEEA (PG), at COH, Thrissur, KAU, OGPA-9.3/10.
MSc Thesis on “Genetic analysis of segregating generations for yield attributes and resistance to fruit and shoot borer (Earias vittella. Fab) in bhindi (Abelmoschus spp.)”.
2009-2012; PhD Plant Breeding and Genetics, ICAR-SRF, AC&RI Coimbatore, TNAU, OGPA-9.5/10;
PhD Thesis on “Marker assisted back cross breeding to introgress the blast resistance genes into the susceptible rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety ADT 43”.
2009; Topical research on “Diversity analysis in the waxy gene locus in indica and japonica landraces of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)” at TNAU, Coimbatore.
2013; Attachment training on “Marker assisted selection of gene pyramided lines for multiple resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, (Blast, BLB, Gall midge, Submergence and Salinity) in Rice” at ICAR-CRRI, Cuttack.
2019; Post-doctoral research at Tropical Agricultural Research Front, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science (JIRCAS), Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan (2019), INSA- JSPS fellowship; Project entitled "Exploring genetic architecture of blast resistance in Chromosome segment substitution lines using standard differential blast isolates (SDBLs)"
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
2021 -to date; Senior Scientist at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
2019; INSA-JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Tropical Agricultural Research Front, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science (JIRCAS), Japan.
2013-2020; Scientist at ICAR-National Professor Project, Crop Improvement Section, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
2012-2013, Scientist (Attachment training), Crop Improvement Division (CID), Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI)-ICAR, Cuttack, Odisha, India.
2012; Scientist at Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad, India.
2012; Scientist at National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, India, 96th Foundation Course with special emphasis on National Agricultural Research System and Field Experience Training.
2009-2012; ICAR Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Plant Breeding and Genetics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Area research specialization: Plant Breeding and Genetics; Pre-breeding, QTL mapping
Important projects under taken: -
DST- POWER; Molecular tagging of genes related to early seedling vigour using landraces and wild introgression lines to develop climate smart rice varieties (PI).
DBT- BioCARE; Exploring Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines from inter-specific crosses to decipher the genetics of grain weight and earliness (PI).
ICAR National Professor Project; Development of chromosome segment substitution lines of rice from elite x wild crosses to map QTLs/genes for yield traits (Co PI).
IRC Project; Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) for yield and related traits using backcross inbred lines(BILs) from Elite x Wild crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.) (PI).
IRC Project; Exploring Wild Introgression Lines and Mutants to identify novel Genes/ QTLs for Yield Contributing Traits (PI).
IRC Project; Breeding high yielding stress tolerant rice varieties using interspecific wild introgression lines derived from Oryza nivara and Oryza rufipogon (PI).
Award and Honors: -
ICAR Jawaharlal Nehru Award for PG Outstanding Doctoral Research in Agricultural and Allied Sciences at 87th ICAR foundation day ceremony at Patna, Bihar.
Certificate of Academic excellence for being First rank holder in PhD(Plant Breeding and Genetics), Tamil Nadu agricultural University during 2009-2012.
First rank certificate in MSc (Ag.) programme in the discipline of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Kerala agricultural University during 2006-2008.
Best student award & gold medal for academic performance in BSc (Ag) programme, AC & RI Madurai, TNAU during 2002-2006.
Award from the Indian Society of Plant Breeders for securing first OGPA in PhD (Plant Breeding and Genetics) at TNAU during 2009-2010.
The MASU prize & gold medal for securing highest OGPA in BSc (Ag) Programme at AC&RI Madurai, TNAU- 2005.
The Dr. P. Rangaswamy Gold Medal for securing highest OGPA in BSc (Ag) Programme-2006.
The MACOSA 81 Award for the topmost academic record in Plant breeding and Genetics in BSc (Ag) Programme-2006.
The Prof. K.R. Nagarajan Prize for securing the topmost academic record in Agricultural entomology in BSc (Ag) Programme- 2006.
The Jaideep Kumar Janarthanan Memorial Prize for Entomology during year 2006-07 for BSc (Ag) Programme.
ICAR senior research fellowship (ICAR-SRF(PGS)) for PhD. Programme by Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) 2009-2012.
INSA-JSPS post-doctoral research fellowship under Indo-Japanese Joint Project on “Establishment of Young Researcher Fellowship Programme 2018-19” Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Govt of Japan and Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India 2018-2019.
DBT BioCare fellowship from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India 2019-2023.
SARR Young Scientist Award at the International Conference on System of Crop Intensification (ICSCI 2022), ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad during 12-14 December, 2022.
International Travel support grant (ITS/2018/004363) from SERB to present research paper at 5th International Rice Congress (IRC2018), Singapore organized by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), during 15-17, Oct. 2018.
Foreign Visits:-
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel/germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
DRRDhan 65 (IC643914)- High yielding low P tolerant, heat stress tolerant rice variety.
DRRDhan 57- Direct seeded aerobic rice variety with multiple disease resistance.
DRRDhan 64 (IC643913)- Early maturing , long Slender, and N use efficient rice variety with multiple disease resistance.
DRR Dhan 67 -high yielding, high zinc red pericarp, long slender grain type rice variety.
DRR Dhan71 (IC648983)-High yielding early duration aerobic rice.
DRR Dhan 72 (IC648989)- Low phosphorus (P) tolerant variety.
Registered germplasm with NBPGR & NBA - 90 BILs Swarna x Oryza nivara IRGC81832.
Registered germplasm with NBPGR & NBA - 306 CSSLs of MTU1010 / Oryza rufipogon IC309814.
166s (INGR23005) -Wild introgression line with high photosynthetic rate. High seedling vigour.
RP6338-9 (INGR22065)-Novel rice restorer line with heat tolerance.
NH787 (INGR22106)-Low Phosphorus tolerant Nagina22 Mutant line with stay green trait.
Student Guided:- MSc -3 PhD -6
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals: -
Member of Scientific Society:-
1. Life member of Indian Society of Plant Breeders (ISPB), 2009
2. Life member of AAPMHE, IIHR, Bangalore, 2010
4. Life member of the ISGPB, IARI, New Delhi from 2020
5. Life member of Society for Advancement of Rice Research, DRR, Hyderabad, 2013
6. Life member of the ISPGR, IARI, New Delhi from 2020
7. Life member of Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, 2013
8. Life member of Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences, IARI, New Delhi, 2012
Training Organized:-
• Coordinator for Modern Integrated Crop Breeding Tools -Breeding Management System, 18 Jan 2016 to 27 Jan 2016 Organized by ICAR -Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500 030.
• Coordinator for 10 days ICAR Short course on Prebreeding using wild species for sustainable yield in crops Jan 2017 by Organized by ICAR -Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, 500 030.
• Coordinator for HRD Training on Molecular breeding techniques for crop improvement for 28days (21-7-2017 to 17-8-2017) at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad, trained the scientist of ICAR Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, Punjab for Marker assisted selection and QTL mapping and involved as a resource person.
• Resource person for CAFT in GPB - Training on “Application of molecular markers in crop breeding” by TNAU, Coimbatore during 22 November to 12 December 2018
• Resource person for Traditional and modern breeding approaches for development of high-quality rice varieties. ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad,25 October 2018 to 19 January 2019
• Course coordinator for Two days training program on “Sensitization of AICRIP and Modern Breeding Techniques in Rice” in virtual mode organized by Department of Plant Breeding, Crop Improvement, ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad during September 14-15th 2021
• Course Co Director and Resource person for Plant Breeding & Hybrid Rice RBD Data Upload and Analysis. Virtual Users Training cum Workshop on AICRIP Intranet functionalities (www.aicrip-intranet.in) 15-17 February,2022 at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad
Training Undergone:- • ICAR sponsored 21 days Winter school on “Molecular breeding approaches for genetic enhancement of millet crops” during 06-26 january,2014 at Directorate of Sorghum Research, Hyderabad
• ICAR Sponsored 21 days Winter School on “New Frontiers in Rice Breeding for Improving Yield, Quality and Stress Tolerance for Sustaining Future Production” during September 10-30, 2014, at Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad
• Training Programme on “Analysis of Experimental Data” during 10-15 November 2014 at ICAR- national Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad
• Short training course on “Widening the Genetic base in Rice through Pre-Breeding Efforts for Developing Next Generation Varieties and Hybrids” on 19-28 January 2015 at DRR Hyderabad.
• Short training course on -Water management and water saving technologies in rice,30th October to 8th November 2012 DRR, Hyderabad
• Short Training Course on “Quality Improvement, Bio-fortification and Product Development in Rice for Nutritional and Financial Security of Rice Farmers” during September 01-10, 2015; at ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad
• 10 days training on Molecular data analysis through Bioinformatics tools” scheduled from01-11-2021 to 10-11-2021.Organized by Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology S.V Agricultural College, Tirupati Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University.
• E Learning course on research ethics offered by Japan society for the promotion of Science on Jan-March 2019 at Tropical Agricultural Research Front, JIRCAS, Japan
• International Workshop on “Applicable Solutions Against Rice Blast in Asia“ by Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) and Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) 18th September, 2020
• Attended training workshop on Monitoring of Confined Field Trials of Regulated GE Plants organized on 3-4 June 2015 at NAARM, Hyderabad, India.
• “Workshop on Foresight and Future Pathways of Agricultural Research through Youth in India”. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), in association with Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) and Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), organized this national workshop during 1-2 March, 2013 at NASC Complex, New Delhi.
• Virtual training on “Sensitization on AICRIP intranet (www.aicrip-intranet.in) functionalities to activate PI privileges. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad.23rd December 2020
• Creating awareness about Intellectual Property Rights protection for the start-Ups and entrepreneur in Agri-Horti sectors. DP-NAHEP project, College of Horticulture & Forestry, Central Agricultural University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. 26th to 27th March 2021
• Training on “Capacity building for intellectual Property protection and technology licensing in Agriculture under Indo US agricultural Knowledge initiative jointly organized by Haryana Agricultural university, ICAR & Michigan state university, USA at KAU Thrissur in 2010
• Participated in training cum awareness programme on protection of plant varieties and farmer’s rights held at the department of PGR, TNAU, Coimbatore in 2013
• Undergone training on two commercial courses in seed technology a) commercial seed production in crop varieties b) seed production and quality control in agricultural crops
• Three months training programme “Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Services (FOCARS)” at NAARM, Hyderabad. July to September , 2012
• Orientation Training at DRR, Hyderabad during October, 2012
• Attachment Training on Marker assisted selection of gene pyramided lines for multiple resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in Rice” at CRRI, Cuttack on November, 2012 -February, 2013
Publications (Top 30):-
• Divya Balakrishnan*, D Subrahmanyam, Jyothi B, AK Raju, YV Rao, B.Kavitha, S Mesapogu, M Surapaneni, Revathi P, Padmavathi G, Ravindra Babu V and N Sarla. 2016. Genotype × environment interactions of yield traits in backcross introgression lines derived from Oryza sativa cv. Swarna /Oryza nivara. Frontiers in plant science. 19; 7:1530. 10.3389/fpls.2016.01530
• Divya Balakrishnan*, S. Robin, R. Rabindran, S. Senthil, M. Raveendran and A. John Joel. 2014. Marker assisted backcross breeding approach to improve blast resistance in Indian rice (Oryza sativa) variety ADT43. Euphytica. Euphytica 200: 61–77
• Divya Balakrishnan*, Yoshimichi Fukuta and Sarla Neelamraju. 2023. Race specific and non-specific resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae and QTL mapping in wild introgression lines using the standard differential system. Tropical Plant pathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40858-023-00614-4
• Divya Balakrishnan, Malathi S, Sukumar M and Sarla N*. 2019. Development and use of chromosome segment substitution lines as a genetic resource for crop improvement. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-018-3219-y
• Divya Balakrishnan*, Robin, S., Rabindran, R., Manjunath, H., Valarmathi, P., & Joel, A. J. 2014. Resistance reaction of gene introgressed lines against rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) disease. Australasian Plant Pathology, 43, (2), 177-191.
• Divya Balakrishnan*, Biswas A, Robin S and John Joel A. 2014. Gene interactions and Genetics of Blast Resistance and Yield attributes in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Genetics. 93 (2)415-424.
• Divya Balakrishnan, Laha, G. S., Arra, Y., Surapaneni, M., Beerelli, K., Ladhalakshmi, D., Srinivas Prasad, M., Subba Rao, L. V., Sundaram, R. M., and Neelamraju, S., 2022. Identification of novel major and minor quantitative trait loci associated with bacterial blight resistance in rice from Oryza nivara-derived wild introgression lines. Plant Breeding, 141 (6): 756-770
• Divya Balakrishnan*, Kalyani Kulkarni, P C Latha,D Subrahmanyam.2018 Crop Improvement strategies for Mitigation of Methane Emissions from Rice. Emirates Journal of food and agriculture. 30(6): 451-462 https://doi.org/10.9755/ejfa.2018.v30.i6.1707
• Divya Balakrishnan*, Robin S, Biswas A and John Joel A. 2015. Genetics of association among yield and blast resistance traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 85 (3): 354–360.
• Divya Balakrishnan, Malathi S, AK Raju, YV Rao, S Mesapogu, Kavitha B and Sarla N. 2020. Detection of Chromosome segment substitution lines and yield QTLs with additive, epistatic and QTL × environment interaction effects from Oryza sativa/ O. nivara IRGC81832 cross (2020). Scientific reports. 10:7766 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64300-0
• Malathi S, Divya Balakrishnan*, Sukumar M, A Krishnamraju Y V Rao and Sarla N.2016.Genetic characterization and population structure of Indian rice cultivars and wild genotypes using core set markers. 3Biotech 6: 95 DOI 10.1007/s13205-016-0409-7.
• Malathi S, Divya Balakrishnan*, Sukumar M, A Krishnamraju Y V Rao and Sarla N. 2017. Identification of Major Effect QTLs for Agronomic Traits and CSSLs in Rice from Swarna/Oryza nivara Derived Backcross Inbred Lines. Frontiers in plant science., 22 June 2017 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01027
• Yadavalli, V.R., Divya Balakrishnan., Surapaneni, M, Addanki K, Mesapogu S, Beerelli K, Desiraju S, Voleti SR Neelamraju S. 202). Mapping QTLs for yield and photosynthesis related traits in three consecutive backcross populations of Oryza sativa cultivar Cottondora Sannalu (MTU1010) and Oryza rufipogon. Planta 256(4):71. doi: 10.1007/s00425-022-03983-3. PMID: 36070104.
• Rao, YV, Divya Balakrishnan*, AK Raju, S Mesapogu, TV Kiran, D Subrahmanyam, SR Voleti and N Sarla. 2018. Characterization of backcross introgression lines derived from Oryza nivara accessions for photosynthesis and yield. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-018-0575-7
• Beerelli K, Divya Balakrishnan*, Addanki KR, Surapaneni M, Rao Yadavalli V and Neelamraju S .2022. Mapping of QTLs for Yield Traits Using F2:3:4 Populations Derived from Two Alien Introgression Lines Reveals qTGW8.1 as a Consistent QTL for Grain Weight from Oryza nivara. Front. Plant Sci. 13:790221. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.790221
• Jadhav, S., Divya Balakrishnan*, Shankar, V.G. , K Beerelli, G Chandu, S Neelamraju.2021. Genetic diversity analysis and population structure in a rice germplasm collection of different maturity groups. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-021-00699-5
• De Silva N. P. S., P. Magudeeswari, Divya Balakrishnan*, V. G. Shankar, B. Kavitha, A. Krishnamraju, P. Prashanthi, K. Vaibhav, D. S. Chary, S. N. C. V. L. Pushpavalli, N. Sarla. 2023. Stability analysis and genetic mapping for yield traits of rice wild introgression lines. Cereal Research Communications. 10.1007/s42976-023-00417-y
• Magudeeswari P, Divya Balakrishnan*, Yoshimichi Fukuta , Hiroki Saito , Dayala Saitheja , Pranay G, P....Raman M Sundaram,Sarla Neelamraju Linkage mapping and quantitative trait loci detection for seedling vigor and grain size in advanced backcross introgression lines from wild accessions of Oryza nivara. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-023-01834-y
• Gowthami Chandu, Divya Balakrishnan*, Suchandranath Babu Munnam, Satendra K Mangrauthia, Sanjeeva Rao Durbha, CN Neeraja, Raman Meenakshi Sundaram, Sarla Neelamraju.2023. Mapping QTLs for grain iron, zinc, and yield traits in advanced backcross inbred lines of samba mahsuri (BPT5204) / Oryza rufipogon. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-023-00869-7
• Aleena Dasari; Divya Balakrishnan; Santosha Rathod; Rao PVR; Lakshminarayana V Reddy; Neeraja CN; Vanisri S; Ranjith KN; Sundaram RM; Jyothi Badri. 2023. Multi Environment Testing Revealed the Effect of Yield Genes on the Grain Yield Stability in Diverse Rice Germplasm. Cereal Research Communications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42976-023-00446-7
• Swapna J, Divya Balakrishnan*, Gouri Shankar V, Kavitha B, Gowthami C, Sarla N. 2019. Genotype by Environment (G×E) Interaction Study on Yield Traits in Different Maturity Groups of Rice. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology. (2019) 22: 425-449. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12892-018-0082-0
• Kavitha B, Divya Balakrishnan*, Malathi S, AK Raju, and N Sarla. Evaluation of yield and seedling vigour related traits of Swarna/ Oryza nivara backcross introgression lines under three environment conditions. Ecological genetics and genomics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egg.2019.100036
• Poli Y, Divya Balakrishnan, Subrahmanyam Desiraju, Madhusmitha Panigrahy, Sitapati Rao Voleti, Satendra Kumar Mangrauthia & Sarla Neelamraju. 2018. Genotype × Environment interactions of Nagina22 rice mutants for yield traits under low phosphorus, water limited and normal irrigated conditions" Scientific reports. 2018) 8:15530 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-33812-1
• Raju AK, Divya Balakrishnan, YV Rao, Malathi S, S Mesapogu, Kavitha B and N Sarla.2018. Swarna × Oryza nivara introgression lines: a resource for seedling vigour traits in rice. Plant genetic resources 1–12. doi:10.1017/S1479262118000187
• Sruthi K., Divya Balakrishnan, P. Senguttuvel, P. Revathi, K.B.Kemparaju, P. Koteswararao, R.M. Sundaram, Vikram Jeet Singh, E. Ranjith Kumar, Prolay Kumar Bhowmick, Vinod, K.K, S. Gopal Krishnan, A.K. Singh , A.S. Hari Prasad. 2019. Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Parental Lines for Development of Heterotic Groups in Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-019-00529-9
• Beerelli, K., Divya Balakrishnan*& Neelamraju, S. 2021. Comparison of Genetic Variability and Trait Association for Yield Contributing Traits among F2 Populations Generated from Wild Introgression Lines of Rice. Agric Res . ttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-021-00575-7
• Padmavathi Chintalapati, Divya Balakrishnan, Tripura Venkata VGN, Sumalatha Javvaji, Sampath Kumar M, Subba Rao LV, Sarla Neelamraju, Gururaj Katti. Phenotyping and Genotype x Environment Interaction of resistance to leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Breeding 10:49. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00049
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