Dr. Suvarna Rani Chimmili, Scientist
Name:- Dr. Suvarna Rani Ch
Designation:- Scientist
Email ID:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number:- 040-24591204
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Educational Qualification:-
Ph.D; 2016; Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Coimbatore
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
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Scented and special rices
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Award and Honors:-
- DST / INSPIRE Fellowship from SERB DST.
- Cash award and certificate of excellence from INDIAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BREEDERS.
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals:-
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Publications (Top 30):
Citation NAAS score Role
Vijayakumar Shanmugam , Vikas C. Tyagi , Gobinath Rajendran , Suvarna Rani Chimmili, Arun Kumar Swarnaraj, Mariadoss Arulanandam, Virender Kumar, Panneerselvam Peramaiyan, Varunseelan Murugaiyan, Raman Meenakshi Sundaram. (2025). Perennial rice – An alternative to the ‘one-sow, one-harvest’ rice production: Benefits, challenges, and future prospects. Farming System. 3(2): 100137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.farsys.2025.100137
Suvarna Rani Chimmili, G Subashini M Raveendran Ananda Kumar C R Jyothi Badri Divya Balakrishnan S Robin. (2024). Marker Assisted Introgression and Evaluation of Retinol Equivalent Carotenoid in the Elite Cultivars Background from Traditional Landrace ‘Kavuni’. Agricultural research (14): 189-196 7.40 First author.
Reddy, S, Vinay Vardhan, Suvarna Rani, Ch, Sameer Kumar, C.V, and K Basavaraj. 2024. “Study of Variability and Correlation for Yield Attributing and Grain Quality Characters in Aromatic Short Grain Rice”. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 46 (9):164-73. https://doi.org/10.9734/jeai/2024/v46i92815.
5.14 Corresponding author
Padmashree , R., Honappa, Reddy , V., Magar , N. D., Barbadikar , K. M., Balakrishnan , D., Gireesh , C., Siddaiah , A. M., Badri , J., Lokesha , R., Ramesha , Y. M., Senguttuvel , P., Diwan , J. R., Madhav , M. S., Rani , C. S., & Sundaram , R. M. (2023). Assessment of Multiple Tolerance Indices to Identify Rice Lines Suitable for the Aerobic System of Cultivation. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(11), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i112941 5.07 Co-author.
K. Basavaraj*, G.S. Jasudasu, V. Prakasam, D. Ladhalakshmi, C. Kannan, D. Krishnaveni, G.S. Laha, and M.S. Prasad. 2023. Enhanced sporulation by different light and nutritional sources in Bipolaris oryzae causing brown spot disease of rice. Journal of Environmental Biology 44: 380-389 6.70 Co-author.
Chimmili, S. R., Kumar, C. R. A., Subashini, G., Raveendran, M., Robin, S., Padmavathi, G., Kumar, J. A., Jyothi, B., Divya, B., Sruthi, K., & Rao, L. V. S. (2021). Assessment of Antioxidant Potential of Lutein, a Retinol Equivalent Carotenoid in Medicinal Landrace of Rice ‘Kavuni’. Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchInternational, 32(38), 39-46.
https://doi.org/10.9734/jpri/2020/v32i3831011 5.51 First author.
Ch. Suvarna Rani, T. Sirisha, K. Sruthi, V. Manasa, K. Basavaraj and R. Gobinath. 2020. Genetic inheritance of Anthocyanin pigment in the derivatives of Nutritive Landrace ‘Kavuni’ (Oryza sativa L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci
Special Issue-10: 678-682 5.38 First author
Manasa V, Hebsur NS, Gobinath R and Suvarna Rani C. Effect of nano iron oxide on growth and drymatter production of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in a calcareous vertisol. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(3):4849-4852. 5.21 Co-author.
B. Jyothi, B. Divya, L. V. Subba Rao, P. Laxmi Bhavani, P. Revathi, P. Raghuveer Rao, B. Rachana, G. Padmavathi, J. Aravind Kumar, C. Gireesh, M. S. Anantha, R. Abdul Fiyaz, C. Suvarna Rani and A. R. G. Ranganatha.2018. New plant type trait characterization and development of core set among indica and tropical japonica genotypes of rice. Plant Genetic Resources; 1–9 7.28 Co-author.
G. Ishwarya Lakshmi, C. Gireesh, M. Sreedhar, S. Vanisri, P.S. Basavaraj B. Muralidhara, M.S. Anantha, G. Padmavathi, A.R. Fiyaz, B. Jyothi, C. Suvarna Rani, Bidyasagar Mandal and L.V. Subba Rao. 2018. Characterization of African Rice Germplasm for Morphological and Yield Attributing Traits. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(12): 1288-1303 5.38 Co-author.
Biswaranjan Rout, Sridhar M, Muralidhara B, Kamal Nath Reddy KR, Sundaram RM, Anantha MS, Senguttuvel P., Subba Rao LV, Padmavathi G, Ranganath HK, Fiyaz AR, Jyothi B, Suvarna Rani C, Kalyani MB, Bidyasagar Mandal and GireeshC. 2017. Characterization of genetic diversity among wild rice accessions using genome specific In-Del markers. Journal of Rice Research: 10(2):11-17. 4.05 Co- author.
Suvarna Rani Chimmili, C.R. Anandakumar, M. Raveendran, K.S.Subramanian, S. Robin.2016. Epistatic Interactions and Gene Effects Controlling Yield Attributes in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Advances in Life Sciences. 5(10): 4169- 4175. 3.15 First author.
Suvarna Rani Chimmili, C.R. Anandakumar, M. Raveendran, K.S.Subramanian, S. Robin.2016. Genetic Variability Studies and Multivariate Analysis in F2 Segregating Populations Involving Medicinal Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Cultivar Kavuni. International Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 8(35): 1733 – 1735 4.58 First author.
Ch. Suvarna Rani, R. Usha Kumari, V. Ulaganathan, R. Vinoth, G. Subashini and
M. Komala. 2015. Association studies between yield and yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biochemical and cellular archives 15: 23-26. 4.95 First author.
Suvarna rani chimmili, R.usha kumari, R.P. gnanamalar, R. Premkumar, G. Subashini. 2015. Genetical assessment of biochemical traits in medicinal land races of rice (oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Agriculture Sciences. 7(8):606-609. 4.58 First author.
Suvarna rani chimmili, R. Usha kumari, K. Subhashini, K.baghyalakshmi, A.R. priyanka, V. Ulaganathan and R. Vinoth. 2015. Combining ability studies in medicinal landraces of rice.2015. Annals of Plant and Soil Research 17 (Special Issue): 335-338. 5.22 First author
16 Suvarna Rani, Ch., Usha Kumari, R. And G. Subashini.2015. Studies on Medicinal Landraces of Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Trends in Biosciences 8(4): 1019-1021. 3.94 First author.
Suvarna Rani, Ch., Usha Kumari, R, Subashini. G and Komala. M. 2015. Association studies between yield and yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Biochemical and cellular archives. 15(1):1-4. 4.95 First author
18 G. Subashini and Suvarna Rani Chimmli. 2014. Exploitation of heterosis for seed yield and its components in sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) Biochemical and cellular archives 14 :15-17. 4.95 Co-author
Suvarna Rani, Ch and M. L. Mini.2013. Studies on antioxidant activity in medicinal landraces of rice. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 3: 3-5. First author
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