Dr. A. S. Hari Prasad, Head, Principal Scientist
Name : Dr. A. S. Hari Prasad
Designation : Principal Scientist
Email Id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 040-24591253
Mobile : 9701007431
Google scholar link : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=T49RunsAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link :
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Educational Qualification :
- B.Sc. (Agriculture) Agricultural Sciences Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad, A.P., India 1988.
- M.Sc. (Agriculture) Genetics & Plant breeding -Do- 1990.
- Ph.D. Genetics Osmania University, Hyderabad, India 2003.
- PGDTMA IPR Issues University of Hyderabad, India 2014
Employment Record / Work Experience :
- Principal Scientist 177400 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad 01.01.2016.
- Principal Scientist 37400-67000 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR DRR (IIRR), Hyderabad 19.12.2009 – 31.12.2016.
- Senior Scientist 37400-67000 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR DRR (IIRR), Hyderabad 3.3.2008-18.12.2009.
- Senior Scientist 12000-420-18300 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR IARI, New Delhi 19.12.2003-2.3.2008.
- Scientist (Sr. Scale) 10000-325-15200 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR IARI, New Delhi 1.11.2002-18.12.2003.
- Scientist (Sr. scale) 10000-325-15200 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR IARI, Regional Station, Aduthurai 12.4.99 – 31.10.2002.
- Scientist 8000-275-13500 Hybrid rice breeding ICAR IARI, Regional Station, Aduthurai 6.1.97 – 11.4.99.
- Scientist 8000-275-13500 Wheat & Barley Breeding ICAR VPKAS, Almora 21.3.94 to 05.1.97.
- Scientist 8000-275-13500 Soybean breeding ICAR NRC for Soybean, Indore 20.9.93 to 20.3.94.
- Scientist 8000-275-13500 Trainee ICAR NAARM, Hyderabad 12.4.93 to 19.9.93.
Area research specialization : Hybrid Rice Breeding
Important projects under taken :
- Exploitation of inter sub specific heterosis in rice.
- Development and evaluation of three line hybrids with better grain quality and resistance to major pests and diseases.
- Genetic improvement of maintainers and development of CMS lines.
- Application of biotechnological tools for understanding of molecular basis of yield heterosis and WA-CMS trait in rice.
Fellowship :
- Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding 2018 National Individual.
- Hari Om Ashram Award 2013 Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.
- 2013 National Collaborative Recognition certificate with a cash prize of Rs. 25000/- Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.
- 2009 National Individual Srinivasa Ramanujam Memorial Award Indian Society of Genetics &Plant Breeding, New Delhi.
- 2005 Professional Society Individual Certificate of Excellence in Rice Genetics & Breeding Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
- 2005 Institutional Individual
Foreign Visits :
- Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) on ‘Asian Rice Development’ Chnagsha, Hunan Province, China 23.9.04 25.9.04 Ministry of Agriculture, People’s Republic of China.
- Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) in Rice: Theory, Practice and Application International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines 25.11.08 05.12.08 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines.
- Asian Seed Congress 2013, Kobe, Japan 18.11.13 20.11.13 Asia Pacific Seed Association (APSA), Thailand.
- Expert Consultation: Hybrid Rice Development in Asia: Assessment of Limitations & Potential, Bangkok, Thailand 02.7.14 03.7.14 FAO & APSA.
- As a member of ICAR expert Committee to review the rice research in ASEAN countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand 20.5.17 31.5.17 ASEAN Secretariat, Indonesia.
- 2nd International Rice Forum Sanya, Hainan, China 16.4.18 19.4.18 Sanya Government, Hainan, China.
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
Pusa Basmati-6 For Basmati growing areas of Haryana &Uttarakhand
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No. 733(E) 01.4.2010 2010
Pusa Sugandh-5 For Basmati growing areas of North Western plains including Uttarakhand, Western UP, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No. S.O. 122(E) 02.02.2005 2005
Pusa Sugandh-3 For Basmati growing areas of North Western Plains including Uttarakhand, Western UP, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 1134(E) 15.11.2001. 2001
Pusa Sugandh-2 For Basmati growing states of North Western Plains including Uttaranchal, Western UP, Delhi, haryana and Punjab
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 1134(E) 15.11.2001. 2001
Pusa RH-10 (hybrid) Irrigated ecosystems of Haryana, New Delhi and Uttarakhand
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 1134(E) 15.11.2001. 2001
Pusa 4A (a genetic stock) Cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line Registered with NBPGR INGER No. 01021 2002
VL Gehun 829 Early sown rainfed conditions of Northern Hills Zone (NHZ) CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 283(E) 12.3.2003. 2003
VL Gehun 804 Timely sown rainfed and irrigated consitions of Northern Hills Zone CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 937(E) 04.9.2002. 2002
VL Gehun 802 Timely sown rainfed & irrigated conditions of Uttaranchal SVRC, Uttarakhand, Notification No. S.O. 122 (E) 2.2.2005 2005
VL Gehun 738 Timely sown rainfed and irrigated condition of Northern Hills Zone (NHZ)
CSCCSN&RV Release Notification No S.O. 647(E) 09.9.1997. 1997
VL Barley 56 Rainfed timely sown conditions in Uttaranchal
SVRC, Uttarakhand, Notification No. S.O. 122 (E) 2.2.2005 2005
Patents/copyrights :
Student Guided : Six Ph.D and Five M.Sc
Member of Scientific Society : Two
Training Organized : Six (Advances in Hybrid rice breeding, Hybrid rice seed production)
Training Undergone : Five
Publications (Top 30) :
K. Sruthi, B. Divya, P. Senguttuvel, P. Revathi, K. B. Kemparaju, P. Koteswararao, R. M. Sundaram, Vikram Jeet Singh, E. Ranjith Kumar, Prolay Kumar Bhowmick, K. K. Vinod, S. Gopala Krishnan, A. K. Singh, A. S. Hari Prasad,. 2019. Evaluation of genetic diversity of parental lines for development of heterotic groups in hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-019-00529-9
A.S. Hari Prasad, P. Senguttuvel, P. Revathi, K.B. Kemparaju, K. Sruthi, R.M. Sundaram, M. Seshu Madhav, M.S. Prasad and G.S. Laha 2018 Breeding strategies for Hybrid rice parental line improvement Oryza Vol. 55 (Special Issue) 2018 (38-41).
DOI 10.5958/2249-5266.2018.00004.8
Revathi Ponnuswamy*, Abhishek Rathore, Anilkumar Vemula, Roma Rani Das, Arun Kumar Singh, Divya Balakrishnan, Hariprasad S. Arremsetty, Ravindra Babu Vemuri and Tilathoo Ram. 2017 2017 Analysis of multi-location data of hybrid rice trials reveals complex genotype by environment interaction. Cereal research communication,DOI:10.1556/0806.45.2017.065
N. Sravan Raju, P. Senguttuvel, A.S. Hari Prasad, P. Beulah, P. Naganna, Sadath Ali, Koteswara Rao, Sheshumadhav, R.M. Sundaram, Arun Kumar Singh, Jayaramulu, Subbrahmanyam,Raguveer Rao And S.R. Voleti 2017 Combining ability and heterosis prediction for grain yield of parental lines and hybrids for heat tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
Agriculture Update: DOI: 10.15740/HAS/AU/12.TECHSEAR(5)2017/1213-1221
U. Praveen Kumar, N. Sravan Raju, Y. Manasa, P. Beulah, P. Naganna, A.S. Hariprasad, Brajendra, R.M. Sundaram, M. Sheshu Madhav, L.V. Subba Rao, Sanjeeva Rao, V. Ravindrababu, S.R. Voleti, D. Subrahmanyam and P. Senguttuvel, 2017. Genotypic variation for root and shoot length in response to salt stress during germination stage in parental lines of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.). New Agriculturist, 28(1): 115–123, 2017
Pranathi K, Viraktamath BC, Neeraja CN, Balachandran SM, Hariprasad AS, Koteswara Rao, P, Revathi P, Senguttuvel P, Hajira SK, Balachiranjeevi CH, Bhaskar Naik S, Abhilash V, Praveen M, Parimala K, Kulkarni SR, Anila M, Mahadevaswamy HK, Rekha G, Kousik MBVN, Kemparaju B, Madhav MS, Mangrauthia SK, Harika G, Dilip T, Kale RR, Vishnu Prasanth V, Ravindra Babu V and Sundaram RM,. 2016 Development and validation of candidate gene-specific markers for the major fertility restorer genes, Rf4 and Rf3 in rice Molecular Breeding 36: 145, DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0566-8
Pranathi K, B C Viraktamath, C N Neeraja, SM Balachandran, A S Hariprasad, P Koteswara Rao, S R Kulkarni, P Senguttuvel, S K Hajira, CH Balachiranjeevi, S Bhaskar Naik, V Abhilash, M Anila, H K Mahadevaswamy, G Rekha, M S Madhav, P Revathi, G Harika, T Dilip, B Kemparaju, RM Sundaram 2016 Comparative analysis of sequences of mitochondrial genomes of wild abortive male sterile (WA-CMS) and male fertile lines of rice, development of functional markers for WA-CMS trait and their use in assessment of genetic purity of seeds of WA-CMS lines. Molecular breeding 36:21. DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0445-3
Abhilash Kumar V, Balachiranjeevi CH, Bhaskar Naik S, Rambabu R, Rekha G, Harika G, Hajira Sk, Pranathi K, Vijay S, Anila M, Mahadevaswamy HK, Kousik M, Yugander A, Aruna J, Hari Prasad AS, Madhav MS, Laha GS, Balachandran SM, Prasad MS, Ravindra Babu V, and Sundaram RM. 2016 Marker-assisted improvement of the elite restorer line of rice, RPHR-1005 for resistance against bacterial blight and blast diseases. Journal of Genetics. DOI 10.1007/s12041-016-0711-5)
Abhilash Kumar V, Balachiranjeevi CH, Bhaskar Naik S, Rambabu R, Rekha G, Harika G, Hajira Sk, Pranathi K, Vijay S, Anila M, Mahadevaswamy HK, Kousik M, Yugander A, Aruna J, Dilip Kumar T, Vijaya Sudhakara Rao K, Hari Prasad AS, Madhav MS, Laha GS, Balachandran SM, Prasad MS, Viraktamath BC, Ravindra Babu V, and Sundaram RM. 2016 Development of gene-pyramid lines of the elite restorer line, RPHR-1005 possessing durable bacterial blight and blast resistance. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 7.
V. Abhilash Kumar, CH. Balachiranjeevi, S. Bhaskar Naik, R. Rambabu, G. Rekha, K. R. Madhavi, G. Harika, S. Vijay, K. Pranathi, S. K. Hajira, A. Srivastava, H. K. Mahadevaswamy, M. Anila, A. Yugander, J. Aruna, A. S. Hari Prasad, M. S Madhav, G. S. Laha, B. C. Viraktamath, S. M. Balachandran, P. Senguttuvel, B. Kemparaju, V. Ravindra Babu, R. M. Sundaram, M. S. Prasad. 2016 Marker-assisted introgression of the major bacterial blight resistance gene, Xa21 and blast resistance gene, Pi54into RPHR-1005, the restorer line of the popular rice hybrid, DRRH3. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. PP: DOI 10.1007/s13562-016-0352-z
Senguttuvel P, Raju NS, Padmavathi G, Sundaram RM, Madhav MS, Hariprasad AS, Kota S, Bhadana VP, Subrahmanyam D, Subba Rao LV, Brajendra and Babu VR, 2016. 2016 Identification and quantification of salinity tolerance through salt stress indices and variability studies in rice (Oryza sativa L.). SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 48: 172-179
Rahul Priyadarshi, A. S. Hari Prasad, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, K. Ulaganathan, Vinay Shenoy. 2016 Comparative analysis of effectiveness of wide compatibility (wc) trait between improved maintainer line having wc and eui genes and maintainer line with eui and without wc genes in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Environment & ecology 34 (4b): 214
Rahul Priyadarshi, Hari prasad A.S, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Ulaganathan K And Vinay Shenoy 2016. 2016 Comparative analysis of effectiveness of wide compatibility (WC) trait between improved maintainer line having WC and without WC gene in rice. Green Farming Vol. 7 (5)
Akhilesh Singh K, Kemparaju KB, Virupazagouda Patil, Rahul Priyadarshi, Pranitha Koradi, Durga Khandekar, Jayaramulu K, Shesu Madhav M, Lalith Shanti M, Pawan Khera, Manisha Barthwal, Subba Rao LV, Hari Prasad AS, Ulaganathan K and Vinay Sehnoy V. 2015 Stigam exsertion trait in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and comparison of two phenotyping methods, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7(3), pp. 13123-13135.
Rahul Priyadarshi, Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Durga Khandekar, Pranitha Koradi, Demudunaidu P, Pawan Khera, Hari Prasad A S, Ulaganathan K, Vinay Shenoy 2015 SSR-based molecular profiling of selected donors of wide compatibility, elongated uppermost inter node, stigma exsertion and submergence tolerance traits and parental lines of commercial rice (Oryza sativa L.) hybrids International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, Vol. 5(2), pp. 67-92.
Yadla Hari,Kommoju Srinivasarao, BasvarajC. Viraktamath, Arremsetty S. Hariprasad, GouriS. Laha , Mohammed I. Ahmed, PodishettyNatarajkumar , MugalodiS. Ramesha,Chirravuri N. Neeraja , Sena M. Balachandran,NallathigalS. Rani, PippallaBalajiSuresh,KalidindiSujatha,, Manish pandey, Gajjala Ashok Reddy, Maganti S. Madhavand Raman M.Sundaram, 2013 . Marker-assisted introgression of bacterial blight and blast resistance into IR 58025B, an elite maintainer line of rice Plant Breeding, 2013 doi:10.1111/pbr.12056.
N. Sravan Raju, P.Senguttuvel, S.R.Voleti, A.S.Hari Prasad, V.P.Bhadana, P.Revathi, K.B.Kemparaju, S.Ravi chandran, Arun Kumar Singh, P.Koteswara Rao, N.Shobha Rani and B.C.Viraktamath, 2013. Stability Analysis of Flowering and Yield Traits to High Temperature Stress Adopting Different Planting Dates in Rice (O.sativa L.), International Journal of Agricultural Research, 2013 ISSN 1816-4897/doi:10:3923/ijar.2013.
P.Revathi, Pavani Medoju, Arun Kumar Singh, R.M.Sundaram, Sravan Raju, P.Senguttuvel, K.B.Kemparaju, A.S.Hariprasad, M.S.Ramesha, C.N.Neeraja, N.Shobha Rani and B.C.Viraktamath, 2013. Efficiency of molecular markers in identifying fertility restoration trait of WA-CMS system in rice, Indian J.Genet., 73(1):89-93 (2013) doi: 10.5958/J.0019-5200.73.1.012
Yadla Hari, Kommoju Srinivasarao, BasvarajC. Viraktamath, Arremsetty S. Hariprasad, GouriS. Laha , Mohammed I. Ahmed, PodishettyNatarajkumar , MugalodiS. Ramesha,Chirravuri N. Neeraja , Sena M. Balachandran,NallathigalS. Rani, PippallaBalajiSuresh,KalidindiSujatha,, Manish pandey, Gajjala Ashok Reddy, Maganti S. Madhavand Raman M.Sundaram, 2011.Marker-assisted improvement of a stable restorer line, KMR-3R and its derived hybrid KRH2 for bacterial blight resistance and grain quality, Plant Breeding, 2011 doi:10.1111/j.1439-0523.2011.01881.x
Sundaram RM, Sakthivel K, Hariprasad AS, Ramesha MS, Viraktamath BC, Neeraja CN, Balachandran SM, Shobha Rani N, Revathi P, Sandhya P and Hari Y, 2010. Development of a PCR based functional marker system for the major wide compatible gene locus S5 in rice, Mol. Breeding DOI: 10.1007/s11032-010-9482-5.
ShanthaNagarajan, Jagadish SVK, Hariprasad AS, Tomer AK, Anand A, Madan Pal and Aggrawal PK. 2010 Local climate affects growth, yield and grain quality of aromatic and non-aromatic rice in northwestern India Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment
138 (2010) 274–281
P. Revathi, Arun Kumar Singh, R. M. Sundaram, P. Senguttuvel, K. B. Kemparaju, A. S. Hariprasad and B. C. Viraktamath 2010 Molecular screening for the presence of wide compatibility gene S5 neutral allele in the parental lines of hybrid rice Indian J. Genet., 70(4): 373-376
Neeraja CN, Hariprasad AS,Malathi S and Siddiq EA 2005 Characterization of tall landraces of rice (Oryza sativa) using gene derived simple sequence repeats
Current Science. 88 (1): 149-152
Hariprasad AS, Neeraja CN, Sarla N &Siddiq EA. 2005 Comparative evaluation of ISSRS and SSRS for polymorphism in landraces and high yielding elite cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotech 14: 1-3
Jag Sharon, Hariprasad AS, Lakshmikant, Mani VP and Chauhan VS 2000 Association and contribution of yield attributes of seed yield in wheat under varying environments in northwestern hills. Ann. Agric. Res. 21 (2): 274-278
Tiwari S.P. and Hariprasad AS 1997 Selection criteria for seed longevity in soybean Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad, West Indies),74 (1): 70-72.