Dr. Akshay S. Sakhare, Scientist
Name:- Dr.Akshay S. Sakhare
Designation:- Senior Scientist
Email ID:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number:- +91 040 24591244
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=jCis-u4AAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Akshay-Sakhare
ORCID link:- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6807-2113
Educational Qualification:- B.Sc. Agril. 2003 PDKV Akola
M.Sc. Plant Physiology 2006 MPKV Rahuri
Ph.D. Plant Physiology 2020 ICAR-IARI New Delhi
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
2021-Senior Scientist, Plant Physiology Section, ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad
2019-Senior Scientist, Division of Plant Physiology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
2014-Scientist (SS) Division of Plant Physiology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
2009-Scientist, Division of Plant Physiology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Area research specialization: - Abiotic stress, rice, high temperature stress tolerance at reproductive stage in rice
Important projects under taken:- Deciphering physiological basis of heat stress tolerance in rice - ICAR-IIRR Hyderabad
Deciphering physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance and nutrient use efficiency of crop plants (CRSCIARISIL2014047279) - ICAR-IARI New Delhi
Identification of traits, genes, physiological mechanisms to develop climate smart varieties for unfavorable environment - ICAR-IARI New Delhi
Physiological and Molecular Basis of Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice, Wheat, mustard and Chickpea - ICAR-IARI New Delhi.
Award and Honors: -
Foreign Visits:-
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
Student Guided:-
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals: -
Member of Scientific Society:- Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi
Society for Advancement for Rice Research, Hyderabad
Training Organized:-
Training Undergone:- 1. IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) Manila Philippines organized 4 days online virtual “Bioinformatics Training Course SNP to GWAS” held on December1 to 4, 2020.
2. 21 days HRM-Training on “Genomics-Assisted Breeding for Crop Improvement” (March 1- 21, 2018) Sponsored by: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Organised by Division of Genetics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi-110012
3. 21 days HRM-Training on “Genomics-Assisted Breeding for Crop Improvement” (March 1-21, 2018) Sponsored by: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Organized by Division of Genetics ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi-110012
4. 15 days ICAR- Sponsored Training under HRD programmed (for Scientific staff) on “Tools and Techniques for Analysis of Biomolecules” September 05-18, 2017. Organized by Division of Biochemistry ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi-110012
Publications (Top 30):-
1. Chimmili, S. R., Sruthi, K., Hanjagi, P. S., Basavaraj, P.S., Sakhare, A. S., Kumar, S., Kota S. (2022). Integrating Advanced Molecular, Genomic, and Speed Breeding Methods for Genetic Improvement of Stress Tolerance in Rice. In Mallikarjuna, M. G., Nayaka, S. C. and Kaul, T. (Eds) Next-Generation Plant Breeding Approaches for Stress Resilience in Cereal Crops. (pp. 263-285) Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1445-4
2. Karwa, S., Sakhare, A., Vishwakarma, C., Arya, S.S., Pal, M. and Kumar, S. (2022). Physiological Traits for Improving Heat Stress Tolerance in Plants. In Kumar, R. R., Praveen, S. and Rai, G. K. (Eds) Thermotolerance in Crop Plants. (pp. 81-103) Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3800-9_4
3. Kumar, R.R., Rai, G.K., Kota, S. Watts, A., Sakhare, A. Kumar, S., Goswami S., Kapoor, N., Babu, P., Mishra, G.P., Kumar, S. N., Chinnusamy, V. and Praveen, Shelly (2022). Fascinating Dynamics of Silicon in alleviation of heat stress Induced oxidative damage in plants. Plant Growth Regul. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10725-022-00879-w
4. Ondrasek, G., Rathod, S., Manohara, K. K., Gireesh, C., Anantha, M. S., Sakhare, A. S., Parmar, B., Yadav, B. K., Bandumula, N., Raihan, F., Zielińska-Chmielewska, A., Meriño-Gergichevich, C., Reyes-Díaz, M., Khan, A., Panfilova, O., Seguel Fuentealba, A., Romero, S. M., Nabil, B., Wan, C. C., Shepherd, J. and Horvatinec, J. (2022). Salt Stress in Plants and Mitigation Approaches. Plants (Basel, Switzerland), 11(6), 717. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11060717
5. Anil Dahuja, Kumar, R. R., Suneha Goswami, Sakhare, A. S., Archana Watts, Bhupinder Singh, Archana Sachdev, Shelly Praveen. (2020). Role of ABC Transporters in Maintaining the Plant Homeostasis under Abiotic stresses. Physiologia Plantarum. doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13302
6. Kumar, R.R., Arora, K., Goswami, S., Sakhare, A., Singh, B., Viswanathan, C., Praveen, S. (2020) MAPK Enzymes: a ROS Activated Signaling Sensors Involved in Modulating Heat Stress Response, Tolerance and Grain Stability of Wheat under Heat Stress. 3 Biotech.10:380 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-020-02377-0.
7. Bainsla, N. K, Singh, V., Kumar, A., Kumar, M., Yadav, R., Sakhare, A.S., Sharma, A.K., Sharma, R.K. (2020). Visiting Root Architecture and Yield Traits in Post Green Revolution Popular wheat varieties of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (7), 1291-12956
8. Kumar, R. R., Hasija, S., Goswami, S., Tasleem, M., Sakhare, A.S., Kumar, S., Bakshi, S., Jambhulkar, S.J., Rai, G.K., Singh, B., Singh, G.P., Pathak, H., Viswanathan, C., Praveen S. (2019) Gamma irradiation protect the developing wheat endosperm from oxidative damage by balancing the trade-off between the defense network and grains quality. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 174, 637-648
9. Singh, P., Kumar, R.R., Goswami, S., Rai, G.K., Sakhare, A.S., Kumar, S., Singh, S.D., Bakshi, S., Jamhulkar, S.J., Sareen, S., Singh, G.P., Viswanathan, C., Praveen, S. (2019). A putative heat-responsive transcription factor (TaHD97) and its targets in wheat (Triticum aestivum) providing thermotolerance, Indian Journal of Biotechnology 18: 214-223.
10. Kumar, R.R., Tasleem, M., Singh, K., Ahuja, S., Sakhare, A. S., Kumar, S., Goswami, S., Singh, S.D., Singh, G. P., Viswanathan, C., Praveen, S. (2019). NO protect the wheat embryo from oxidative damage by triggering the biochemical defence network and amylolytic activity. Plant Physiol. Rep. 24: 35-45.
11. Sakhare, A. S., Kumar, S, Kumar, R. R., Bainsla, N. K., Gaikwad, K. B., Sharma, R. K. and Chinnusamy, V. (2019). A facile and cheaper method to measure root angle of rice and wheat. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. Indian J. Agri. Sci. 89 (6):934-9.
12. Kumar R.R, Goswami, S., Shamim, M, Dubey, K., Singh, K., Singh, S., Kala, Y.K., Niraj, R. R. K., Sakhare, A., Singh, G.P., Grover, M., Singh, B., Rai, G.K., Rai, A.K., Chinnusamy, V., & Shelly Praveen (2017). Exploring the heat-responsive chaperones and microsatellite markers associated with terminal heat stress tolerance in developing wheat. Funct Integr Genomics (2017) 17:621–640
13. Ansif Ali, Suneha Goswami, Ranjeet R. Kumar, Khushboo Singh, Jyoti P. Singh, Ashok Kumar, Arti Kumari, Akshay Sakhare, Gyanendra K. Rai and Shelly Praveen (2018). Wheat Oxygen Evolving Enhancer Protein: Identification and Characterization of Mn- Binding Metalloprotein of Photosynthetic Pathway Involved in Regulating Photosytem II Integrity and Network of Antioxidant Enzymes under Heat Stress. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(02): xx-xx. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.702.xx
14. Kanakala, S. and Sakhare, A. and Verma, H.N. and Malathi, V.G. (2012). Infectivity and the phylogenetic relationship of a mastrevirus causing chickpea stunt disease in India. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10658-012-0100-8
15. Kumar, M., Singh, V.P., Arora, A., Raju, D., Sakhare, A. (2017). Physiological alteration in gladiolus flower during senescence as affected by abscisic acid. Indian Journal of Horticulture 72 (3), 397-401
16. Goswami A.K.*, Singh A.K., Dubey, A.K., Awasthi, O.P., Prakash, J., Singh, S.K. Singh, K. and Sakhare, A. 2015. Effect of elevated CO2 levels in Kinnow mandarin and Kagzi Kalan lemon under controlled environment conditions. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 72(4), 556-558.
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