Dr. Chitra Shanker, Principal Scientist
Name: - Dr.Chitra Shanker
Designation: - Principal Scientist
Email ID: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number: - 04024591230
Google scholar link:- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gwXC_vMAAAAJ&hl=en
Research gate link:- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chitra-Shanker
ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9839-6132
Educational Qualification: -
BSc (Ag) TNAU Coimbatore 1987
MSc (Ag) in Ag Entomology TNAU Coimbatore 1989
PhD (Ag Entomology) TNAU Coimbatore 2004
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
20-Feb-2010 till date Principal Scientist ICAR - IIRR, Hyderabad
04-Sep-2006 to19-Feb-2010 Senior Scientist ICAR - Indian Institute of Rice Research
04-Sep-2004 to 03-Sep-2006 Senior Scientist ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi
20-Feb-2001 19-Feb-2004 Scientist Senior Scale ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi
29-Dec-1996 19-Feb-2001 Scientist ICAR- CAFRI, Jhansi
21-Jul-1995 28-Dec-1996 Scientist ICAR - Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur
20-Feb-1995 20-Jul-1995 Scientist Trainee, ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad
1-July 1990 - Nov 30 1994 Research Associate, ICAR-CICR RS Coimbatore
Area research specialization: - Agrl. Entomology with emphasis on Biodiversity, Ecosystem services, IPM and Biological control, Bio - Intensive pest management, Habitat Management and ecological engineering for bio-control of rice pests
Important projects under taken:-
NAIP Component 1 Development and Maintenance of Rice Knowledge Management Portal (Co-PI)
DBT Mass production and field release techniques of two biocontrol agents through novel approaches for management of rice pests (PI)
DST-ICRISAT Center of Excellence on Climate Change Research for Plant Protection
(CoE-CCRPP): Pest and disease management for climate change adaptation (Co PI)
Award and Honors: -
1.Competitive selection globally for the Endeavour Leadership Program funded by the
Department of Education and Training, Government of Australia.
DST-IST competitive travel grant for travelling to Bangkok Thailand to attend the IRC 2014
2. INSA travel award towards expenses to attend the IRC 2014 at Bangkok Thailand
3.Prof EA Siddiq Award for sincere and dedicated Scientist for the year 2015 ICAR-IIRR First Foundation Day celebrations held on 15/12/2015.
4. Special award for dedication and contribution towards institute activities ICAR-IIRR annual day celebrations 2015
5. Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing from the Indian journal of Plant protection/ Plant Protection Association of India for 2014 -16 Plant Protection Society of India 2015
6. Best oral presentation award (Co-author) at the Fifth National Conference on Biological Control Bangalore 9-10th Feb 2017 Society for bio control advancement and NBAIR, Bengaluru 2017
Foreign Visits:-
1.Deputed to Charles Sturt University, Orange New South Wales for the Endeavour Leadership Program Award funded by Department of Education and Training
Government of Australia to work on "Novel strategies in Biological pest management"
2. Deputed to attend 5th International Rice Congress (IRC2018), Singapore, 15-17 October, 2018 and present a paper on “Conservation biological control of planthoppers through bund crops – nutritional and cost benefits (IRRC-0566)- Oral and Comparative Study of Integrated Pest Management and Farmers Practices in various Rice Ecosystems of Odisha (IRRC-0571) –Poster
3.Deputed to attend the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods in Langkawi, Malaysia, September 10 -17 and presented an oral paper on “Harnessing of floral and faunal biodiversity of rice ecosystems for pest management"
4. Invited and deputed to IRRI, Philippines, for the Rice Doctor development and translation workshop conducted by the Rice Knowledge Bank (RKB) and Rice Doctor (RD) team from 10 to 15 the January 2016
5.Deputed to attend IRC 2014 organized by IRRI at Bangkok, Thailand
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
1.Development of diagnostic tool for pests and diseases of rice under the Rice Knowledge
Management Portal
2.Ecological Engineering and Habitat management strategies to enhance biocontrol in rice
3.Mass production techniques for indigenous natural enemies of rice pests
4. Bio intensive pest management strategies for organic and conventional rice production
Patents/copyrights: -
Student Guided: -
PhD -2
MSc - 7
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals:
Indian Journal of Plant Protection
International Journal Of Tropical Insect science
Member of Scientific Society: -
Plant Protection Society of India Life Member
Indian Society for Agroforestry Life member
SARR Life member
Entomological Society of India, Life Member
Society for Biocontrol Advancement, Life Member
Training Organized:
Training Undergone:-
1. NOvel practices in biological control , ELP, CSU, NSW, Austalia, 4 months
.Rice Doctor development and translation workshop Philippines Manila IRRI 11-Jan-2016 15-Jan-2016 5 days IRRI
2.Training on Creative writing skills in Agriculture’ India Dhenkenal Orissa IIMC, Dhenkenal 03-May-2010 -08-Dec-2014 6 days DIPA ICAR
3.Training on Scientific Report writing and Presentations India Hyderabad NAARM 06 to 09-Mar-2012 4 days NAARM
4.Training on Intensive Rashtrabasha Training programme for Pragya India Hyderabad DRR 01-Jan-2010 21-Jan-2010 21 days
5.2. Information Technology in Agriculture NAARM Hyderabad 21 days, September 2006
Publications (Top 30):-
1. Chaitanya, Anitha, G. and Shanker, C., 2022. Comparing pest abundance and diversity among various organic regimes of rice. Journal of Entomological Research, 46(1):.32-39.
2. Chitra Shanker and Jhansi Rani Billa. 2022. Conserving Floral and Faunal Diversity of Rice Paddies, Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 35(3): 393–396.
3. Anitha G, Chitra Shanker, Shashibhushan V, Srinivas C and Uma Devi G. 2019. Diversity of spiders as influenced by cultivation techniques in rice, Indian Journal of Entomology, 81(4): 765-774. (5.89)
4. P. Srilatha, Faisal Yousuf, Ramesh Methre, T. Vishnukiran, Surekha Agarwal, Yugandhar Poli, M. Raghurami Reddy, B. Vidyasagara, Chitra Shanker, D. Krishnaveni, S. Triveni, Brajendra, Shelly Praveen, S.M. Balachandran, D. Subrahmanyam, Satendra K. Mangrauthia, 2019. Physical interaction of RTBV ORFI with D1 protein of Oryza sativa and Fe/Zn homeostasis play a key role in symptoms development during rice tungro disease to facilitate the insect mediated virus transmission. Virology 526 (2019) 117–124. (8.66)
5. Urvi Sharma, Ajai Srivastava, Chitra Shanker, 2018. The occurrence of rice hispa, Dicladispa armigera (Oliver) and its parasitoid, Chrysonotomyia sp. under mid-hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh, Journal of Biological Control, 32(2): 87-94.
6. Chitra Shanker, Sampathkumar Muthusamy, Sunil Vailla, Sravanthi Guntupalli, Jhansirani Billa, Poorni Janakiraman, Gururaj Katti. 2018. Biodiversity and predatory potential of coccinellids of rice ecosystems Journal of Biological Control 31 (4): 201 -204. (5.34)
7. Vailla S, S Muthusamy, C Konijeti, C Shanker, JL Vattikuti. 2019. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and temperature on rice brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) populations in India. Current Science 116 (6): 988 – 996. (6.76)
8. C Shanker, Ch Lydia, M Sampathkumar, V Sunil, S Amudhan and G Katti.. 2018. Non Crop Plants as Reservoir of Alternate Prey for Coccinellids of Rice" European Journal of Entomology 115 (1), 364-371. (6.97)
9. Chitra Shanker, K. Shabbir, Sapna P., V. Sunil, B. Jhansirani and Gururaj Katti. 2017. Biology and functional Response of Andrallus spinidens (F.) to the rice army worm Spodoptera mauritia (Boisduval) Journal of Biological Control 31(4): 201-204, (5.34)
10. Chintalapati Padmavathi, Chitra Shanker and Gururaj Katti.2017. Advances in Rice IPM- Indian Scenario, The J. Res. PJTSAU, 45(1&2): l -19.
11. Chitra Shanker, K Shabbir, BJ Rani, S Amudhan, G Katti. Harnessing of Floral and Faunal Biodiversity of Rice Ecosystems for Pest Management in (Eds.) Peter G. Mason, David R. Gillespie and Charles Vincent “Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods” Langkawi, Malaysia, September 11-15, 2017, Pg 228-230.
12. Pravalika, K., Umamaheswari, T. and Chitra Shanker. 2016. Biology and stage preference of Assassin Bug, Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius) (Heteroptera : Reduviidae) predator on Cut worm, Mythimna separata, Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research & Development, 31(2) : 36-38
13. Pravalika, K., Umamaheswari, T and Chitra Shanker. 2016. Prey preference and predator –prey interactions of Rhynocoris marginatus Fabricius to three lepidopteran pests through olfactometer studies, Pest Management in Horticultural systems, 22:28-33.
14. Chitra Shanker, Ch. Lydia, M. Sampathkumar, V. Sunil and Gururaj Katti. 2016. Biology and Predatory Potential of Rhynocoris fuscipes (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) on the Rice Leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) Journal of Rice Research 2016, 9 (1): 47-49. 3.22
15. Pravalika K, Umamaheshwari T, Sampathkumar M, Sunil V and Chitra Shanker. 2015. Functional Response of the assassin bug, Rhynocoris marginatus to three lepidopteran pests, Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 43 (4): 429-433. (5.07)
16. Chitra Shanker, M Mohan, M Sampathkumar, Lydia Ch, G Katti.2013. Functional significance of Micraspis discolor (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) in rice ecosystem. Journal of Applied Entomology, 137: 601–609. 7.83
17. Chitra Shanker, M. Mohan, M. Sampathkumar, Ch. Lydia and G. Katti 2013. Selection of flowering forbs for conserving natural enemies in rice fields. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 23 (4): 480-484. 7.0
18. Chitra Shanker, Gururaj Katti and Ch Padmavathi. 2012. Organic amendments and their impact on arthropod diversity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) fields of Hyderabad, India , Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 50 (1-2) : 63-66. 4.75
19. Chitra Shanker and Gururaj Katti. 2012. Evaluation of Bioefficacy of Thiamethoxam 75% SG against Green Leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens in Rice Indian J. Pl. Protection 40 (2): 112-114. 5.07
20. D. Krishnaveni, G. S. Laha, Chitra Shanker, G. Katti and K. Muralidharan, 2011. Virus-vector Composition Analysis during Rice Tungro Virus Epidemic in (2007-2008), in Telangana Region of Andhra Pradesh, India J Mycol Plant Pathol, Vol. 41, No.3, 2011. 5.79
21. Chitra Shanker and S. Uthamasamy. 2010. Evaluation of some medicinal plants and their mixtures for their bio-efficacy against crop and stored product pests. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant protection 43(2): 140–148. 6.56
22. Chitra Shanker. 2006. Insect pests of Jatropha curcas L. and the potential for their management, Current Science, 91(2): 162 – 163.
23. Chitra Shanker and K.R. Solanki. 2000. Agroforestry - an eco friendly insect management system, Outlook on Agriculture 59 (2): 119 - 124.
24. Chitra Shanker and K.R. Solanki, 2000. Botanical pesticides - a historical perspective, Asian Agri- History, 4(3): 221 – 232.
25. Ramnath, S., Chitra, K., Uthamasamy, S.1992. Behavioural response of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) to certain host plants Journal of Insect Science 5(2): 147-149.
26. V T Sundaramurthy and K Chitra. 1992. Integrated pest management in cotton
Indian Journal of Plant Protection 20 (1), 1-17.
Books edited
27. B. Venkateshwarulu, Arun K. Shanker, Chitra Shanker, Maheswari Mandapaka, (Eds.) “Crop Stress and Its Management: Perspectives and Strategies, Springer Life Sciences Agriculture, 1st Edition ISBN: 978-94-007-2219-4.
28. Arun K. Shanker and Chitra Shanker. 2016. Abiotic and Biotic stresses in plants – Recent advances and Future Perspectives, Intech Open Science, pp 754. http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/60477.
29. Ch Srinivasa Rao, Arun K Shanker and Chitra Shanker (Eds.) 2018. Climate resilient Agriculture, Intech Open, pp 167.
30. Arun K Shanker, Chitra Shanker, Anjali Anand, M Maheswari. 2021. Climate Change and Crop Stress: Molecules to Ecosystems, ISBN: 978-0-12-816091-6, Academic Press (Elsevier) Pg 565.
Any Other Information: Presently working on Chemical ecology to enhance biological in rice; Digital diagnostic tools for pests and natural enemies of rice; Novel biocontrol techniques for rice pests; Integration of habitat management in IPM of rice pests: Biodiversity and ecosystem services in rice