Dr. G. S. Laha, Principal Scientist
Name: - Dr.Gouri Sankar Laha
Designation: - Principal Scientist, Plant Pathology
Email ID: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number: - 040-24591246
Google scholar link:- https://myaccount.google.com/?hl=en
Research gate link :-
ORCID link:-
Educational Qualification: -
B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons B.C.K.V.V., West Bengal , 1987
M.Sc. (Mycology & Plant Pathology) I.A.R.I., New Delhi, 1990
Ph.D. (Mycology & Plant Pathology) I.A.R.I., New Delhi, 1994
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
1st Jan 2009 Till date , Principal Scientist, IIRR/DRR, Hyderabad
3rd June 2002 31st Dec 2008, Senior Scientist, DRR, Hyderabad
3rd June 1998 2nd June, 2002, Scientist (Sr. Scale), DRR, Hyderabad
1st Aug. 1994 2nd June,1998, Scientist, DRR, Hyderabad
1st Nov. 1993 31st July 1994, Scientist (Trainee), DWR, Karnal
3rd June 1993 31st Oct. 1993, Scientist (Trainee), NAARM, Hyderabad
Area research specialization:
Plant Pathology/Plant Bacteriology (Bacterial blight of rice)
Important projects under taken: -
• CSIR-800: Blight Out- Improving incomes of rice farmers through cultivation of bacterial blight resistant rice variety, Improved Samba Mahsuri (CSIR) (2012-2019)
• PLOMICS- Enhancing scope of marker assisted selection in rice (CSIR) (2013-2018)
• Host Plant resistance and pathogen variability in bacterial leaf blight of rice (IIRR) (undergoing)
• Identification, functional characterization and utilization of genes related to bacterial blight resistance in rice (2004-2009) (DBT)
• Functional characterization of novel bacterial blight resistance genes from wild relatives of Oryza spp (2009-2014) (DBT)
• ICAR Plan Scheme Network Project entitled “Incentivizing Research in Agriculture” Sub-Project: Molecular genetic analysis of resistance/tolerance to different stresses in rice, wheat, chickpea and mustard including sheath blight complex genomics: (ICAR)
Award and Honors: -
• University Merit scholarship during B.Sc
• IARI Fellowship during M.Sc and Ph.D
• Gold Medal in M.Sc
• Certificate of Appreciation from DDG (Crop science), ICAR, in 2008
• Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding contribution in research by Project Director, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad-500 030 in 2008
• Received Norman E Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship-2011 for short term post doctoral fellowship at Iowa State University
• Editor of Indian Journal of Plant Protection (Plant Protection Association of Inida, Hyderabad) from 2010-2012
• CSIR Award for Innovation in Rural Development (CAIRD) 2013
• Prof. E. A. Siddiq Award of ICAR-IIRR for Sincere and Dedicated Scientist for the year 2015.
• Biotech Product and Process Development and Commercialisation Award-2016 by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
Foreign Visits:-
• Visiting Research Fellow at Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology, IRRI, The Philippines from January 14 2003 – April 11 2003
• Received Norman E Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship-2011 for short term post-doctoral fellowship at Iowa State University, USA December 2011 to February 2012
• Invited and made a presentation in 5th International Conference of Bacterial Blight of Rice on “Distribution, pathogen population structure and management options of bacterial blight disease in India” held at Manila, The Philippines from 17-19th October, 2016.
• Invited and made a presentation in 7th International Conference on Bacterial Blight of Rice/6th International Rice Congress on “Geographical distribution, pathogen diversity and host plant resistance in bacterial blight of rice in India” at Manila (Philippines) from 16-19 October, 2023
Technologies/Products/Varieties/Novel germplasm/Methodologies developed:-
Developed DRR Dhan 53, a MAS derived, durable bacterial blight resistant high-yielding, fine-grain type rice variety having the major bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa21+xa13+xa5+Xa38 with seed to seed maturity of 130-135 days and average yield of 5.5-6 t/ ha.
Associated with development of Improved Samba Mahsuri, a MAS derived, bacterial blight resistant high-yielding, low GI, fine-grain type rice variety having the major bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa21+xa13+xa5 with seed to seed maturity of 130-135 days and average yield of 5-5.5 t/ ha.
Associated with the release of another 3 rice varieties viz., DRR Dhan 54 (IET 25653; RP 5943-421-16-1-1-B), DRR Dhan 55 (IET 26194; RP 5591-123-16-2) and DRR Dhan 56 (IET 26803; RP 6221-GSR IR1-8-S9-D2-Y2=HHZ 8-SAL9-DT2-Y2).
Associated with the development of rice varietyDRR Dhan 58 (IET 28784). DRR Dhan 58 is a MAS derived, bacterial blight resistant high-yielding, seedling-stage salinity tolerant, fine-grain type rice variety in the genetic background of Improved Samba Mahsuri having the major bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa21+xa13+xa5 and the major QTL associated with seedling stage salinity tolerance, Saltol, with seed to seed maturity of 130-135 days and average yield of 5.50 t/ ha.
Associated with the development of DRR Dhan 59 (IET 27280). DRR Dhan 59 is a MAS derived, bacterial blight resistant high-yielding, long-bold grain type rice variety in the genetic background of Akshyadhan (having the wild rice derived, major bacterial blight resistance gene, Xa33), with seed to seed maturity of 125-130 days and average yield of 5.50t/ ha.
Associated with the development of DRR Dhan 60 (IET 28061). DRR Dhan 60 is a MAS derived low soil phosphorous (P) tolerant, bacterial blight resistant, high yielding and fine-grain type rice culture developed in the genetic background of a very popular bacterial blight resistant rice variety, Improved Samba Mahsuri. It is possessing three major bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa21+xa13+xa5 and the major QTL/gene associated with low soil phosphorous tolerance, Pup1 and has seed to seed maturity of 125-130 days and gives a maximum yield of 5.19 t/ ha (under60 kg/ha of P, i.e. recommended dose) and 4.8 t/ ha (under 40 kg/ha of P).
Associated with the development of DRR Dhan 62 (IET 28804). IET 28804 is a MAS derived line with blast (Pi2 and Pi54) and bacterial blight (Xa21, xa13 and xa5) resistant variety in the background of Improved Samba Mahsuri. It has medium slender grains and high HRR (61.2%). It had yield advantage over the recurrent parent and has resistance to blast and bacterial blight.
Associated with the development of new rice variety DRR Dhan 65 (IET 27641). DRR Dhan 65 is a high yielding low phosphorus tolerant variety developed from wild introgression lines.
Associated with the development with rice hybrid DRRH4 (IET 27937). IET 27937 is a semi-dwarf, high yielding, long bold grained hybrid and resistant to major insect pests and diseases such as leaf blast and neck blast.
Identified one accession of O. nivara, one accession viz. IRGC105710 to have high level of broad spectrum resistance to multiple isolates of BB pathogen in repeated inoculation tests. Associated with the identification and characterization of a new bacterial bight resistance gene, Xa33 from this accession.
Associated with the identification of a novel BB resistance gene (Xa34t) in Oryza brachyantha derived lines DSB 6 ((IR 65483-118-25-31-7-1-5-B) and DSB 7 (IR 65483-141-2-4-4-2-5-B).
Associated with identification of new bacterial blight resistance gene Xa48(t).
Improved the maintainer line APMS6B for its resistance to bacterial blight of rice by pyramiding two BB resistance genes Xa21 and Xa33.
Associated with development and registration of INGR22103 a selection of single EMS induced Samba Mahsuri mutant line in M2 and advanced to M8 through panicle to row method. It has complete panicle emergence, a trait which is absent in Samba Mahsuri variety (BPT5204).
Associated with development and registration of INGR22104 a selection of single EMS induced Samba Mahsuri mutant line in M2 and advanced to M8 through panicle to row method. It has high level of tolerance to leaf folder, an important pest of rice.
Associated with identification and registration of ShB-1/ SB-5 of Rice (INGR20080), a sheath blight tolerant mutant line of BPT 5204.
Associated with development and registration of MSM-139/ IET-27994 of Rice (INGR22104), SC-11/ SP70/ TI-26/ SB-8 of Rice (INGR20079), Wazuhophek (INGR 21112) having high level of sheath blight tolerance, Phougak (D82) of rice (INGR 21093) having moderate to high level of sheath blight tolerance and RPBio-189 (IET 19045) of paddy (INGR 09070) having high level of bacterial blight resistance.
Associated with development of Rice Image Repository to store and manage the images of Rice crop in the database format along with basic information on crop data.
Identified large number of diverse germplasms having broad spectrum resistance to bacterial blight of rice.
A strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens (PF-9) and Bacillus subtilis (B-44) were found to reduce the intensity of sheath blight either alone or in combination with 0.1% carbendazim both under glass house and field conditions. Some of these bacteria like B-44 and PF-9 were also found to substantially reduce the bakanae disease of rice.
Soil amendment with rice husk ash significantly reduced the intensity of sheath blight of rice.
Associated with development of IIRR-Geoportal which received copyright (Registration No. SW-14256/2021)
Associated with Aavishkar - an AI based Rice pest/disease/weed diagnose mobile App- Filed- 33021/2023-CO/SW
Student Guided:- PhD: 3; MSc: 1
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals: -
• Editor of Indian Journal of Plant Protection (Plant Protection Association of Inida, Hyderabad) from 2010-2012
• Regular reviewer of Indian Phytopathology, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Indian Journal of Plant Protection, Journal of Phytopathology, PLOS ONE, Oryza, Crop Protection and others
Member of Scientific Society:- Life member of Indian Phytopathology, Indian Journal of Plant Protection, Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Journal of Mycopathological Society and Journal of Rice Research
Training Organized:- Associated as member in organizing the Winter School on “Ecofriendly management of pests and diseases in rice and rice based cropping systems” held at DRR from September 15 to October 5, 2009.
Training Undergone:-
• Integrated Pest Management organized by Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad from 3-7 October, 1994
• Decision Support System (DSS) organized by NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, from 11-22 October, 1999 at NAARM, ICAR
• Information Technology in Agriculture organized by NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, from 3-23 December, 2001 at NAARM, ICAR
• Recent Advances in Agricultural Research Project Management organized by NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from September 18 – October 8, 2002 at NAARM, ICAR
• Visiting Research Fellow at Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology, IRRI, The Philippines
• IRRI, Philippines from January 14 2003 – April 11 2003 at IRRI, Philippines
• Improving Personality Profile and Human Communication in Organizations organized by NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad from 1-5 August, 2006 at NAARM, ICAR
• Sensitization workshop on “Intellectual Property Management in Agriculture” organized by Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderbad from 29-30 January, 2008 at DRR, ICAR
• Licensing of ICAR plant varieties/hybrids/inbred lines for commercial use by private seed agencies organized by Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderbad on 29 September, 2008 at DRR, ICAR
• Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures and rice analysis to promote agricultural trade in India organized by ANGRAU and Tuskegee Univ, Alabama, USA from 27-30 July, 2009 at ANGRAU
• Norman E Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship-2011 by Iowa State University and Cornell University, USA from December 6, 2011 to February 13, 2012 by USDA
Publications (Top 30):-
Laha, G. S., Singh, R.P. and Verma, J.P. (1992). Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani in cotton by fluorescent pseudomonads. Indian Phytopathology 45(4): 412-415.
Laha, G. S., Verma,J.P. and Singh, R.P. (1996). Effectiveness of fluorescent pseudomonads in the management of sclerotial wilt of cotton. Indian Phytopathology 49(1): 3-8.
Laha,G.S., Singh, R.P. and Verma, J.P. (1996). Role of growth promoting rhizobacteria in plant disease management. In: Disease Scenario in Crop Plants. Vol. II, pp. 233-241. (Eds. V.P. Agnihotri, Om Prakash, Ram Kishun and A.K.Mishra).
Laha, G. S. and Verma, J. P. (1998). Role of fluorescent pseudomonads in the suppression of root rot and damping-off in cotton. Indian Phytopathology 51(3): 275-278.
Laha, G. S. and Venkataraman, S. (2001). Sheath blight management in rice with biocontrol agents. Indian phytopathology 54(4): 461-464.
Sundaram RM, Vishnupriya MR, Biradar SK, Laha GS, Reddy AG, Rani NS, Sarma NP, Sonti RV (2008). Marker assisted introgression of bacterial blight resistance in Samba Mahsuri, an elite indica rice variety. Euphytica 160: 411–422.
Sundaram, R. M., Vishnu Priya, M.R, Laha, G. S., Shobha Rani, N, Srinivasa Rao, P., Balachandran, S.M., Ashok Reddy, G., Sarma, N.P. and Sonti, R.V. (2009). Introduction of bacterial blight resistance into Triguna, a high yielding, mid-early duration rice variety by molecular marker assisted breeding. Biotechnology Journal 4: 400-407.
Laha GS, Reddy CS, Krishnaveni D, Sundaram RM, Srinivas Prasad M, Ram T, Muralidharan K and Viraktamath BC 2009. Bacterial blight of rice and its management. Technical Bulletin No.41. Directorate of Rice Research (ICAR), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, A.P., India. 37 pp.
Reddy, CS, Laha, GS, Prasad, MS, Krishnaveni D, Castilla, NP, Nelson, Savary, AS (2011). Characterizing multiple linkages between individual diseases, crop health syndromes, germplasm deployment, and rice production situations in India. Field Crops Research 120 : 241–253.
Ram, T, Laha, GS, Ram Deen, Ramos, JM, VeraCruz, CM and Brar, DS (2011). O. rufipogon, a valuable source for resistance to bacterial blight of rice. Plant Breeding 130: 715-718.
Sujatha K, Natarajkumar P, Laha GS, Mishra B, Rao KS, Viraktamath BC, Kirti PB, Hari Y, Balachandran SM, Rajendrakumar P, Ram T, Hajira SK, Madhav MS, Neeraja CN, Sundaram RM. (2011). Inheritance of bacterial blight resistance in the rice cultivar Ajaya and high-resolution mapping of a major QTL associated with resistance. Genet Res (Camb). 2011 93(6):397-408.
Anirudh Kumar , Bimolata, W., Laha, G. S., Sundaram, R. M., and Ghazi, I. A. (2011). Comparative analysis of the genomic regions flanking Xa21 locus in indica and japonica ssp. of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Omics Journal 4(5):239-249.
Ladhalakshmi, D., Laha, G. S., Singh, Ram, Karthikeyan, A., Mangrauthia, S. K., Sundaram, R. M., Thukkaiyannan, P. and Viraktamath, B. C. (2011). Isolation and characterization of Ustilaginoidea virens and survey of false smut disease of rice in India. Phytoparasitica 40:171–176.
Ladhalakshmi, D., Laha, G. S., Singh, Ram, Krishnaveni, D., Srinivas Prasad, M., Mangrauthia, S. K., Prakasham, V., Yugander, A. and Viraktamath, B. C. (2012). False smut: A threatening disease of rice. Technical Bulletin No 63/2012, Directorate of Rice Reseach, Hyderabad., 32 pp.
Natraj Kumar, P., Sujatha, K., Laha, G. S., Srinivasa Rao, K., Mishra, B., Viraktamath, B. C., Hari, Y., Reddy, C. S., Balachandran, S. M., Ram, T., Sheshu Madhav, M., Shobha Rani, N., Neeraja, C. N., Ashok Reddy, G., Shaik, H., and Sundaram, R. M. (2012). Identification and fine-mapping of Xa33, a novel gene for resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Phytopathology 102:222-228.
Yugander, A., Ladhalakshmi, D., Prakasham, V., Mangrauthia, S. K., Prasad, M. S., Krishnaveni, D., Madhav, M. S., Sundaram, R. M. and Laha, G. S. (2015). Pathogenic and Genetic Variation among the Isolates of Rhizoctonia solani (AG 1-IA), the Rice Sheath Blight Pathogen. Journal of Phytopathology 163: 465-474.
Hajira, S. K., Sundaram, R. M., Laha, G. S., Yugander, A., Balachandran, S. M., Viraktamath, B. C., Sujatha, K., Balachiranjeevi, C. H., Pranathi, K., Anila, M., Bhaskar, S., Abhilash, V., Mahadevswamy, H. K., Koushik, M., Dilip Kumar, T, Harika, G. and Rekha, G. (2016). A Single-Tube, Functional Marker-Based Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection of Major Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes in Rice, Xa21, xa13 and xa5. Rice Science, 2016, 23(3): 144-151.
Laha, G. S., Sailaja, B., Srinivas Prasad, M., Ladhalakshmi, D., Krishnaveni, D., Singh, Ram, Prakasam, V., Yugander, A., Kannan, C., Valarmathi, P. and Ravindra Babu, V. (2016). Changes in rice disease scenario in India: An analysis from Production Oriented Survey. Technical Bulletin No. 91. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India, 95pp.
Mirdha, S., Bansal, K., Kumar, S., Girija, A. M., Mishra, D., Brahma, K., Laha, G. S., Sundaram, R. M., Sonti, R. V. and Patil, P. B. (2017). Population genomic insights into variation and evolution of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Nature Scientific Reports. | 7:40694 | DOI: 10.1038/srep40694.
Yugander, A., Sundaram. R. M., Ladhalakshmi, D., Hajira, Sk, Prakasam, V., Prasad, M. S., Sheshu Madhav, M., Ravindra Babu, V and Laha, G. S. (2017). Virulence profiling of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae isolates, causing bacterial blight of rice in India. European Journal of Plant Pathology 149:171–191.
Padmaja G, Durga Rani Ch. V, Uma Devi G, Yugander A, Srinivas C, Sundaram RM and Laha GS (2017). Multi-location evaluation of gene pyramided lines of MTU1010 and JGL 1798 against bacterial blight of rice. Indian Phytopathology 70: 287-293.
Laha, G. S., Ram Singh, Ladhalakshmi, D., Sunder, S., Srinivas Prasad, M., Dagar, C. S. and Ravindra Babu, V. (2017). Importance and Management of Rice Diseases: A Global Perspective. In: Rice Production Worldwide (Eds: Bhagirath S. Chauhan, Khawar Jabran, Gulshan Mahajan), Springer, p-303-360.
Yugander, A., Sundaram, R. M., Singh, K., Senguttuvel, P., Ladhalakshmi, D., Kemparaju, K. B., Sheshu Madhav, M., Srinivas Prasad, M., Hari Prasad, A. S. and Laha, G. S. (2018). Improved versions of rice maintainer line, APMS 6B, possessing two resistance genes, Xa21 and Xa38, exhibit high level of resistance to bacterial blight disease. Mol Breeding (2018) 38:100 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0853-7.
Yugander, A., Sundaram, R. M., Singh, K., Ladhalakshmi, D., Subba Rao, L. V., Sheshu Madhav, M., Badri, Jyothi, Srinivas Prasad, M. and Laha, G. S. (2018). Incorporation of the novel bacterial blight resistance gene Xa38 into the genetic background of elite rice variety Improved Samba Mahsuri. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0198260. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198260.
Ladhalakshmi, D., Srinivas Prasad, M., Prakasam, V., Krishnaveni, D., Sailaja, B., Ram Singh, Prasad, V., Lore, J. S., Jain, J., Surendran, M. and Laha, G. S. (2019). Geographic distribution of false smut disease of rice in India and efficacy of selected fungicides for its management. International Journal of Pest Management 65 (2): 177-185. https://doi.org/10.1080/09670874.2018.1494865.
Yugander, A., Sundaram, R. M., Singh, K., Prasad, M. S., Hari Prasad, A. S., Madhav, M. S. and Laha, G. S. (2019). Marker assisted introgression of a major bacterial blight resistance gene, Xa38 into a rice maintainer line, APMS 6B. Indian Phytopathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-018-00111-8.
Yugander, A., Ershad, Md., Muthuraman, P., Prakasam, V., Ladhalakshmi, D., Sheshu Madhav, M., Srinivas Prasad, M., Sundaram, R. M. and Laha, G. S. (2021). Understanding the variability of rice bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in Andhra Pradesh, India. Journal of Basic Microbiology DOI: 10.1002/jobm.202100406.
Sinha, P., Dilip Kumar, T., Hajira, Sk., Ayyappa, D., Aleena, D., Masthani, S. K., Anila, M., Rekha, G., Punniakoti, E., Kousik, M. B. V. N, Sundaram, R. M. and Laha, G. S. (2021). Identification of novel sources of resistance against bacterial blight disease through intensive screening of wild rice introgression lines. Indian Journal of Plant Protection 49(2): 131-137.
Laha, G. S., Sundaram, R. M., Subba Rao, L. V., Prasad, M. S., Abdul Fiyaz, R., Senguttuvel, P., Jyothi Badri, Ladhalakshmi, D., Yugander, A., Hajira, Sk., Dilip, T. and Singh, K. (2021). DRR Dhan 53 (RP-6113-Patho-BB9; IET 27294) - a high yielding, bacterial blight resistant, fine grain type rice variety. Journal of Rice Research 14 (1): 75-76.
Balakrishnan, D., Laha, G. S., Arra, Y., Surapaneni, M., Beerelli, K., Ladhalakshmi, D., Srinivas Prasad, M., Subba Rao, L. V., Sundaram, R. M., & Neelamraju, S. (2022). Identification of novel major and minor quantitative trait loci associated with bacterial blight resistance in rice from Oryza nivara-derived wild introgression lines. Plant Breeding, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1111/ pbr.13052.
Fiyaz, R. A., Shivani, D., Chaithanya, K., Mounika, K., Chiranjeevi, M., Laha, G. S., Virakatmath, B. C., Subba Rao, L. V. and Sundaram, R. M. (2022). Genetic Improvement of Rice for Bacterial Blight Resistance: Present Status and Future Prospects. Rice Science 29(2): 118−132.
Badri, Jyothi, Lakshmidevi, G., JaiVidhya, L. R. K., Prasad, M. S., Laha, G. S., Jhansi akshmi, V., Subhakara Rao, I., Revadi, P., Balakrishnan, D., Vishnu Priya, Y. V., Arvind Kumar, J., Singh, U. M., Singh, V. K., Kumar, A., Ram, T., Subba Rao, L. V. and Sundaram, R. M. (2022). Multiparent-Derived, Marker-Assisted Introgression Lines of the Elite Indian Rice Cultivar, ‘Krishna Hamsa’ Show Resistance against Bacterial Blight and Blast and Tolerance to Drought. Plants 2022, 11, 622. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11050622.
Padmavathi Ch, GS Laha, B Sailaja, P Prashanth, T Dilip, S Gayatri, R Naganna, V Jhansi Lakshmi, AP Padmakumari, C Shanker, Y Sridhar, D Ladha Lakshmi, V Prakasam, D Krishnaveni, M Srinivas Prasad, B Jhansi Rani, G Katti, RM Sundaram. (2022). Changing Scenario of Rice Insect Pests in India: Spatio Temporal Analysis from Production Oriented Survey. ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, Telangana State, India, 114pp.
Sinha P, Dilip Kumar, T., Hazira, Sk, Solanki M, Gokulan C. G., Das A, Anila, M., Rekha, G., Punniakoti, E., Koushik, M. B., Mastani, S. K., Chaitra, K., Yugander, A., Laha, G. S., Neerja, C. N., Patel, H. K., Ghazi, I. A., Kim, S. R., Jena, K. K., Surekha Rani, H., Oliva, R., Mangrauthia, S. K. and Sundaram, R. M. (2023). Fine mapping and sequence analysis reveal a promising candidate gene encoding a novel NB-ARC domain derived from wild rice (Oryza officinalis) that confers bacterial blight resistance. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1173063. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1173063.
Francis, A., Ghosh, S., Tyagi, K., Prakasam, V., Rani, M., Singh, N. P., Pradhan, A., Sundaram, R. M., Priyanka, C., Laha, G. S., Kannan, C., Prasad, M. S., Chattopadhayay, D and Jha, G. (2023). Evolution of pathogenicity-associated genes in Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA by genome duplication and transposon-mediated gene function alterations. BMC Biology (2023) 21:15 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-023-01526-0
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