Dr. Satyaswara Jasudasu Gompa, Scientist
Name:- Dr. Satyaswara Jasudasu Gompa
Designation:- Scientist
Email ID:- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Official phone number:- 8967982640
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Educational Qualification:-
Employment Record / Work Experience:-
Area research specialization:-
Fungal Plant Pathology
Important projects under taken:-
Award and Honors:-
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Student Guided :-
Editors/Reviewers of the Journals :-
Member of Scientific Society:-
Society of Extension Education
Training Organized:-
Training Undergone:-
Publications (Top 30):-
Jasudasu. G.S., Ramesh Chand., Singh A.K., Mishra V.K. and Joshi A.K. 2015. Efficiency of two Spore counting methods and Validation of SSR markers associate with spot blotch resistance. Asian Jr. of MicrobioL Biotech. Vol. 17, No. (l): 227-234.
Kannan Chinnaswamy, Divya Mishra, Anila Miriyala, Prakasam Vellaichamy Basavaraj Kurubar, Jesudasu Gompa, Srinivas Prasad Maddamsetty and Raman Meenakshi Sundaram 2021. Native isolates of Trichoderma as bio suppressants against sheath blight and stem rot pathogens of rice. Egyptian Journal of biological pest control. 3 (12): 1-10.
Sonakar V. K., Jesudasu G.S., Ramesh Singh, Maurya A.K. and Maurya K.K. 2014. Screening of chemical fungicides in control of Rhizacionia soIani causïng aerial or web bligbt of Soybean. Eco. Envi. &. Cons. 20 (Suppl.): 2014; pp. (5381-S386).
Sonakar V.K, Jasudasu G.S., Mauiya K. K., Sita Ram Kushwaba and Maurya A. K. 2014.Efficacy of Bio-agents and Botanical Extracts in control of Rhizoctonia solani causing Aerial or Web Blight of Soybean. Plant Archives. Vol. 14. pp. 669-674.
Jasudasu G.S., Sharma B.R., Khalko S, Bandyopadhyay S, and Roy A. 2022. Cultural and morphological characterization of Rhizoctonia solani, responsible for Seedling blight and Dry Root rot of Lentil. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 28: pp. 434-S442. (NAAS Rating: 5.41).
K. Basavaraj, G.S. Jasudasu, V. Prakasam, D. Ladhalakshmi, C. Kannan, D. Krishnaveni, G.S. Laha, and M.S. Prasad. (2022). Enhanced sporulation by different light and nutritional sources in Bipolaris oryzae causing brown spot disease of rice. Journal of Environmental Biology. 44: 409-413. (NAAS Rating: 5.57).
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